Thursday, March 18, 2010

Life Liver

"Happiness is realizing nothing is too important." -Spanish writer Antonio Gala

So...I Disagree. In certain aspects of life this holds some kind of truth. But imagine if everyone in this world believed in order to be happy you just simply lived life as if nothing had urgency. You could never be a true lover, or a nurturing parent, or have an influence on humanity. And it bothers me because there are people in life who just "go with the flow" and go through every day smiling through it all, as if they were a robot. Where is the substance? Where is the passion? Because no, not everything is okay just the way it is. And no, whatever happens doesn't always just, happen. Life is meant to be complex and tangled and dimensional. Thinking simply is just a blanket. Something that's comfortable and easy. Unattached, empty, uninspired. How beautiful is it to be emotional, and vulnerable and hopeful. How rewarding is it to struggle and triumph? How incredible are human beings' ability to perceive intellect, and feel emotions deeper and more meaningful than any other species on this earth? I have hope for things. I build it up until it becomes the most important thing in the world. And I'm young, this is true, and I might be foolish and naive. But I will never waste my emotions by pretending they're not there. I put value and worth on something that I embrace with this ridiculous thing called my heart and I fight for it.

Now I'm just trying to draw the line between what's worth fighting for and what's not.

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