Thursday, July 14, 2011


My dear fellow women, 
For as long as we can remember we have contemplated, agonized, read books, watched Tyra, studied movies like "He's just not that into you" and asked. "Why must we give a fuck?!" or more importantly "WHY DON'T (men) THEY?"
The answer lies in the something we are all familiar with, to be fair, ever since we hit puberty (god bless that day). 
Yes, okay, those of you who may be a bit more conservative, you will say "Dear god! The nerve of this CHILD. Sex is only something grown, mature adults should be discussing!" If you are saying this to yourself right now, you should stop reading this immediately.
If you're still with me, I am now going to say some words that people aren't use to being broadcast-ed.
It is widely known that men, no matter with who, no matter under what circumstances can find pleasure from having sexual intercourse, to be specific, an orgasm. So if and when it happens, men know the outcome will GUARANTEE satisfaction. 
But for women. Ladies....MAH SISTAS.... I'm afraid to say it ain't that easy for us. Y'all are probably like, "as if we didn't know..."
It's not like I looked online about why it is so much harder for women to orgasm, but if I did I would have found an article and part of the article would have said:
"orgasm is a much more automatic response for men than it is for women. And it would be true to say that in very many males an ability to climax doesn't necessarily have to be linked to feelings of love and romance.
But women more commonly find that their sexual confidence and competence blossoms when they feel loved and appreciated."
AND THERE IT IS. Professional and researched insight that IN FACT, I AIN'T FRONTIN' WITH Y'ALL, women are practically physically FORCED to be emotional. Now I realize that many of you might not agree with that statement or it might not even make sense to you. I realize that some would argue that the emotional part comes first and that's why women can't be satisfied in a purely physical situation. But ladies! Unless you are a robot, maneater, or prostitute, you have got to admit, there are certain things in the bedroom that you would like to happen for you to enjoy sex. Even if you're just down for a one night stand. You like foreplay, and kissing, and cuddling. You know what purpose those things serve? Tenderness and affection.
The horniest woman can have sex and in the end be like, "That was it?" It's not cause mentally women don't allow themselves to enjoy sex, it's their body! While on the other hand, a woman who is completely hesitant, nervous, and inexperienced can "make love" to their boyfriend and DING DING DING, we have a winner.
Of course, I am not speaking about everyone. This is just my perspective. 
There are exceptions. But here is the rule. Whether it is the product of society or it's been this way from the beginning, when it comes to sex, men are animals and women are civilized. And in turn these tendencies provide insight to the way men relate to women outside of sex. It largely explains why relationships are less of a priority and why they often don't respect women.
So hopefully, ladies, my take on the subject of sex has helped you answer why you give a fuck and why he doesn't.
If you are a man reading this, I would like to say, personally, I am JEALOUS. I mean, in the end I admire women for seeing the value in being tasteful, rational, and classy. And yes there should be a level of respect involved. But when you are a women trying to convince a dog to say thank you after giving them a treat, you eventually realize that it's impossible, and that you are pathetic for trying in the first place. But alas, we can't help but try. That is the curse. 

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Family Affair

Sooner Than Later

Hey guys, it's been a while....
Since I've posted something for one, and for two, since I've cared about something in depth enough to write about it. Maybe I was too busy focusing on what was tangible, or maybe things were just easier this way. But I came across this cover of one of Drake's first songs, "Sooner Than Later," by Jenny Suk and it just rushed over me. The feeling like it all wasn't enough.
I kept thinking about this one line, "you don't need no one else." It echoed in my head until I just wanted it to stop. It reminded me of how I use to feel. The way I use to constantly agonize over finding that one person who you know you couldn't be without, the one person you'd feel, like this undeniable pull...till you can't sleep, you can't go get a glass of water or open the mailbox without thinking about them.
And yet, I find myself running back to this feeling of an impossible fantasy, the heartbreak of hoping for something that only happens in Disney movies. I scold myself for giving into this ideal, one that I feel is set by society for women, the one that says as women we are expected to want to be in a full on, long term, committed relationship. To find the bread winner, Mr. Right, your soulmate and to want anything outside of this is degrading and looked down upon.
Naturally a guy can want sex and nothing more and yes he might seem like an asshole but girls love it! and guys support it.
So I decided I would break away from this standard. It seemed all so simple, if I push myself as far away from my emotional attachments as possible, I won't have to feel anything, I won't have to hope for anything, I would be untouchable.
And then I realized I was trying to find a solution to the wrong problem. I rejected relationships so much not because I thought they were a myth, but because I didn't understand them. I don't know what it feels like to have someone need me so bad they would do anything to reach me wherever I was.
I don't know what it feels like to be cared for past the point of reason, I was never worth the sacrifice, the change, the time.
I saw myself as just the fling because I didn't know what it felt like to be the wifey.
And what if I did, what if I had a taste of feeling that special...everything would change.
I can't help but care for superficial things, because together we are in a mutual relationship. If I find a boy who dresses nice, is outwardly appealing, and lives a life focused on reputation and materialism, he won't have the time to worry about caring for me past a certain point.
Please understand, this is not a pity party. It would be ridiculous to ask for sympathy, or to complain. I have created this for myself... And I do believe it's even a place where I need to be for the time being.
Everything's about to change soon and I'm not ready for someone to want to be with me that badly. Only, my fear is that when I'm good and ready for a real relationship, it won't be sooner than later, and I'll be lost.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Thrifting like it's our job

Photos and disposable camera provided by Annie Carlson

Monday, May 30, 2011

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

My First Farewell

I thought by now I'd have it all figured out.
Everything I wanted for myself, all those times I use to think to myself: "you'll be all grown up one day, you'll be sure of what you're doing one day, you'll be ready one day." I thought I would have had those days by now.
But here I am, more perplexed than ever, realizing that it's about that time. The time when you wake yourself up from childish ideals, and gather up the courage to admit that you've been too old for them for a while now.
Because I am a child of comfort. Who realized that she has grown out of her favorite childhood pants. The ones she never thought she'd say goodbye to.
I've never had to really say goodbye to anything. 
Even the things I've lost in the past, I watched them walk away yet always stayed where they left me, maybe hoping in some way...they would see that I never left, and come back to see me.
But they never did, though others would pass, and I, like most, an eager child of company, would beg of them to stay a while. And they did. But left eventually to chase after something I was never sure of, because they were never sure of it either.
So tomorrow is the day. The day where I had every intention of looking back at my life, satisfied with all the cultured men I had romanced, all the adventurous places I had gone, all the mischief I had caused, all the games I had played...but instead I realized how much I have stayed in one place.
A wonderful place, mind you. But for the first time, it's asking me if I'd like to leave, suggesting it might be what's best. For the first time, it's time to say good bye. 
All those who went in and then out of my life. They have moved on, and although it's easy to stay here hoping that things will come to me like they have before, it's time for me to move one too. A part of me thinking I have been waiting for this moment for a while now.
I'm ready now, ready to run towards uncertainty, and it is there where I believe I will find a nice pair of big girl pants, ones that will fit for a long, long time.

The past 18 have given me hopes and dreams, friends that I couldn't get rid of if I tried, a family that has showed me what love truly is, and experiences that will guide me when I'm lost in the complexities of the world.

Alas, a toast!
To tomorrow, the end of high school, and the beginning of my first farewell.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Warming up to you

Loved wearing this, long dresses are making a comeback and so is summer.
I'm ready

Sunday, May 1, 2011



Friday, April 22, 2011

Making my own

What happens when you're cheap and crafty....the shirt in this picture. Have a good weekend everyone! And if you're in Colorado make sure you come see me and my crew perform tomorrow night at Verve!! (7:30, CU UMC Glenmiller Ballroom).