Thursday, July 14, 2011


My dear fellow women, 
For as long as we can remember we have contemplated, agonized, read books, watched Tyra, studied movies like "He's just not that into you" and asked. "Why must we give a fuck?!" or more importantly "WHY DON'T (men) THEY?"
The answer lies in the something we are all familiar with, to be fair, ever since we hit puberty (god bless that day). 
Yes, okay, those of you who may be a bit more conservative, you will say "Dear god! The nerve of this CHILD. Sex is only something grown, mature adults should be discussing!" If you are saying this to yourself right now, you should stop reading this immediately.
If you're still with me, I am now going to say some words that people aren't use to being broadcast-ed.
It is widely known that men, no matter with who, no matter under what circumstances can find pleasure from having sexual intercourse, to be specific, an orgasm. So if and when it happens, men know the outcome will GUARANTEE satisfaction. 
But for women. Ladies....MAH SISTAS.... I'm afraid to say it ain't that easy for us. Y'all are probably like, "as if we didn't know..."
It's not like I looked online about why it is so much harder for women to orgasm, but if I did I would have found an article and part of the article would have said:
"orgasm is a much more automatic response for men than it is for women. And it would be true to say that in very many males an ability to climax doesn't necessarily have to be linked to feelings of love and romance.
But women more commonly find that their sexual confidence and competence blossoms when they feel loved and appreciated."
AND THERE IT IS. Professional and researched insight that IN FACT, I AIN'T FRONTIN' WITH Y'ALL, women are practically physically FORCED to be emotional. Now I realize that many of you might not agree with that statement or it might not even make sense to you. I realize that some would argue that the emotional part comes first and that's why women can't be satisfied in a purely physical situation. But ladies! Unless you are a robot, maneater, or prostitute, you have got to admit, there are certain things in the bedroom that you would like to happen for you to enjoy sex. Even if you're just down for a one night stand. You like foreplay, and kissing, and cuddling. You know what purpose those things serve? Tenderness and affection.
The horniest woman can have sex and in the end be like, "That was it?" It's not cause mentally women don't allow themselves to enjoy sex, it's their body! While on the other hand, a woman who is completely hesitant, nervous, and inexperienced can "make love" to their boyfriend and DING DING DING, we have a winner.
Of course, I am not speaking about everyone. This is just my perspective. 
There are exceptions. But here is the rule. Whether it is the product of society or it's been this way from the beginning, when it comes to sex, men are animals and women are civilized. And in turn these tendencies provide insight to the way men relate to women outside of sex. It largely explains why relationships are less of a priority and why they often don't respect women.
So hopefully, ladies, my take on the subject of sex has helped you answer why you give a fuck and why he doesn't.
If you are a man reading this, I would like to say, personally, I am JEALOUS. I mean, in the end I admire women for seeing the value in being tasteful, rational, and classy. And yes there should be a level of respect involved. But when you are a women trying to convince a dog to say thank you after giving them a treat, you eventually realize that it's impossible, and that you are pathetic for trying in the first place. But alas, we can't help but try. That is the curse.